家具的选择不外乎就是质量、款式、还有就是价钱。而真正意义上的选择应该是针对喜欢来选择。然而快捷酒店的家具和我们居家的家具又是不一样的,营业场所的家具更应该选择符合大众的喜好。但作为竞争激烈的酒店行业,要做出自己的特色,在每个细节上都要与众不同,在选择适合的家具也要有一定的特色,才能吸引更多的顾客 。
The choice of furniture is nothing more than the quality, style, there is the price. And the true sense selection should be selected for love. However, Fasthotel furniture and our home furniture is not the same, the business premises of the furniture should be selected in accordance with the public taste. But as the fierce competition in the hotel industry, to make its own characteristics, in every detail to be out of the ordinary, in the selection of furniture for should also have certain characteristics, in order to attract more customers.