1 运输途中注意家具的保护,尤其是玻璃推拉门。
1 The transit pay attention to the protection of the furniture, especially glass sliding doors.
2 安装的时候从下往上,从左到右安装。
2 Installed from the bottom up, from left to right installation.
3 装车之前检查所有的家具板件以前安装工具是否齐全。
3 Check all furniture panels before loading previous installation tools are complete.
4 到房户家注意保护地板,最好戴鞋套安装。
4 To the tenant family pay attention to protect the floor, it is best to wear shoe covers installation.
5 在安装过程中,注意安全,如果客户要自行安装,尽量拒绝,避免装坏。
5 During the installation process, the attention to safety, if the customer wants to install itself, try to refuse, to avoid loading bad.